There is a lot of work to do to make BOMB Money great again! I’ll keep this announcement short and to the point – be sure to check back soon as I’ll provide further updates once more improvements are made!
Summary of Changes
- New BOMB refresh now available at our same old URL! app.bomb.money
- Boardroom caught up, ready to print! Less than 0.2 BTC buy pressure required to peg!
- New farms launched, details below
- LP Bonding subgraphs working now for better data. Expect new bond markets soon in a follow up announcement!
Farm Details
Details of the new farm contract and farms:
Access farms here: https://app.bomb.money/farm
Farm Launch: Feb 2nd 05:00 UTC / 00:00 EST (countdown available at farm page)
Rewards and runtime: 15,000 B2SHARE, 6 month runtime
Launch Farms: 66% of rewards BOMB-BTCB LP, 33% B2SHARE-BNB LP
Farm Contract: 0x2b40e83E04bCbc079De5c3766b7498e80e7bfaFB

Our boardroom is ready to go! Minimal buy pressure on BOMB and it will be printing like good old times!
For anyone who has the legacy BSHARE (not to be confused with the new B2SHARE), you can access the old boardroom here: https://original.bomb.money/boardroom

Let’s get our new boardroom printing in the next few epochs!!
A really simple strategy moving forward to guarantee success of the BOMB refresh with B2SHARE!
- Purchase BOMB and/or B2SHARE (links on homepage)
- Pair BOMB with BTCB or B2SHARE with BNB at Pancakeswap V2 (links to do this can be found on each farm page)
- Deposit LP tokens into our new farms!
- Stake B2SHARE in boardroom and await BOMB prints!
- Use newly minted BOMB to grow your farms!
- Get additional B2SHARE by utilizing LP Bonding!
BOMB Money ecosystem has a bright future, with our loyal community and bull market approaching, I cannot wait to see what 2024 brings us!